Tuesday, January 31, 2006

George Speaks and I Don't Care

The President is giving his State of the Union address and I just don't care.

George lost my confidence several months ago when he directed the intervention in the Terri Schiavo case. Being completely wrong on the presence of WMD in Iraq and his request for Google search queries (to support a case for upholding child pornography laws) also added to my apathy.

Don't worry, I am not going to the "Dark Side". I am just disappointed and frustrated. George has made many bad decisions and the country is the worse for it.

If I met the President on the street, I would be respectful. I would also respectfully tell him that he is doing a poor job and ask that he try to do better. The country needs him to do better.

Hmm.... I guess I do care.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Remember to Save

Last night I wrote a great post. There were stormtroopers, flying ninjas and starving kitties. I also discussed the Palestinian elections and laid out a workable plan to put the Democrats in the Whitehouse.

It was a great post. I wish I would have saved it.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just Vegging

Norman won $73.50 on poker night. Since the total available take was $160, that is pretty significant. He won most every hand he played. It was just his night.

Stacey's friend Alaina is coming over today to talk about me officating their wedding vows. We will see what happens.

Other than that, I predict a pretty boring day. Just general vegging (which for me means xBox and computer stuff), football and some light house work.


Friday, January 20, 2006


Man, am I glad its Friday. This has been a tough week. Mostly work related stuff and most of that related to some growing pains from our reorganization. We are getting it under control though, and I expect next week to be a bit smoother.

Poker tomorrow, so that means I am cleaning up tonight. Not that the place is that messy; it's Gordon-Clean but apparently we are going for Brandee-Clean. Oookay. Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Triston's history lesson

This weekend I learned a bit of history from my seven year old nephew, Triston.

"I don't have any school on Monday."

"You don't? Why not?"

"It's Arthur Luther King day."

"Hmmm?!? So you get the day off?"

"Yep. He died."

"That's to bad. What else did he do?"

"He gave a speech, rode on a bus, then he died. He was as old as you are."

"Yikes! Did he do anything else?"

Yes, there was much more but I stopped the lesson sometime after Arthur discovered America.

I learned a lot from Triston. Looks like I should have paid more attention in school.

Monday, January 16, 2006

On The Stick - Reloaded

And we're back! Or rather I am back to updating On The Stick, although things are going to be a little bit different now.

For one, I am not going to be posting "stories". While fun to do, they are also very time consuming. I just wanna blather on about the everyday things that strike me as funny or irreverant without the pressure of creating a hiaku or novella. I may still write these - after all who doesn't enjoy a good hiaku now and then - but such entries will not be the norm.

Secondly, I will be posting more often. Hopefully even daily. Just random nonsense or things that make you go "hmmmm".

For instance, a Yahoo "news" article declares that Blacks are more likely to recongize MLK day than Whites..... Ya don't say. What's next, a startling expose revealing that Jews may prefer Hannukah to Christmas? Give me a friggin' break.

So there you have it, less stories and a regular diet of inane blather. Sounds like fun.

And now I close with a hiaku:

on the stick is Dead

carried up the stream of Regret

the stick rises Reborn

???Whatever. Later.