Sunday, September 18, 2005

Around the Poker Table

During my monthly poker game my Uncle Bob decided he wanted to get to know Rob a little better.

"So Rob, you got a wife, kids... a girl friend?"

"I have three dogs."

"Ugly women are nothing to be proud of son."

"Yes....But I have three of them!"

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Not PC

I know this is not "politically correct" but don't all of the hurricane devastation pictures look like scenes from a zombie movie?


Are you sure?

Try this - grab a hurricane aftermath picture at random. See all the water? Debris? Dead Bodies? Now insert an imaginary Zombie or two. Looks like a Zombie preserve, doesn't it?

Again, I know this is not PC. I am also willing to bet that many people have made the same observation as I.

You may be one of those people.

Now you can relate how horribly insensitive my comments are and with a clear conscience segue into a discussion of Dawn of the Dead. Maybe say "Brrraainnss!" a couple of times. Go ahead. You'll feel better. After all, it's not your fault. It's mine.

You're welcome.