Monday, January 01, 2007

The 20-Year-Old Drinking Story

Our New Year’s Eve party was a smashing success! We had a lower than normal turnout but the people that did attend seemed to have a great time. It was one of those parties where we hit 11 (on a scale of 1-10) after midnight. Very fun.

Two things were particularly noteworthy for me.

The first is that Brandee and I cleaned the house before we went to bed. Back in the day we (not Brandee, but me and my buds) would drink until we passed out and hope to God we would wake with enough time to clean up before the parents arrived home. Now since I am technically the adult, rushing to clean the house before I get home just isn’t as much fun. Waking up to a dirty house also stinks.

The second was a drinking tale from my youth recounted by Lon. While the details of the story are humorous enough, what struck me as memorable was the fact that it happened over 20 years ago. I have a 20-year-old drinking story! Damn does that make me feel old.

Later you whipper-snappers!



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