Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy with a bunch of Nothing

It's been almost two weeks since my last post; so much for posting more often.

I don't have any good excuse for not posting, other than the fact that I have been busy. But now that I think about it, I can't specifically determine what I have been busy with. Is "just busy with general life stuff" an acceptable excuse?

Here is a rough list of my activities over the past two weeks:

1. Slept for about six hours a day. I should get more, but there generally isn't enough time.

2. Got ready for Brandee's surgery. Clean house, mow the grass, fluff the cats.

3. Fought off nasty sinus infection. Took about 10 days to shake.

4. Sold a few collector items on ebay. Make enough to cover a car payment.

5. Ate out. Often. Brandee and I will not be doing much of this for quite awhile, so we are trying to get all of our favorite places in while we can.

6. Spent an entire saturday doing nothing but watching tv, visiting family, and rocking on the porch.

7. Long conversations with Brandee while rocking on the porch. One of the reasons we bought our place is because it has a great front porch. We haven't used it much lately but plan to make up for that this summer.

8. Played Heroscape with anyone who will play. Mostly just Alex and I. No problem. Alex is pretty good and I like it better when I don't always win. Right now we are pretty even in the won/loss category - although she did win the tie breaker to take the title of "Ruler of the Heroscape Universe".

9. Heard from our foster care licensor that we should have our preliminary license by the end of the month. About freakin' time.

That's about it. Doesn't seem like I did much, but then again, I never really do.



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